"That's clearly the most obvious reason," says Steve Zaleznick, HealthPocket's executive director of consumer strategy and development. "Carriers are certainly taking that into consideration when they are doing their underwriting and determining what they want to take on in terms of risk."
He says that health reform provisions under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that take effect in 2014 will prevent insurers from rejecting applicants with pre-existing health conditions, even those with major physical problems that could incur high hospital costs. But until then, consumers should be aware of what challenges they may face securing coverage in their home states.
"We want to promote consumer research and get people to ask the right questions when seeking health insurance," says Zaleznick. "That's the prime reason for the report."
HealthPocket, a Sunnyvale, Calif.,-based group that analyzes medical insurance firms across the country, based its study on Department of Health & Human Services data for more than 9,400 insurance plans. The report listed several states where insurers frequently decline applicants:
- Montana, with a 45 percent rejection rate for health coverage
- Alabama, 40 percent
- District of Columbia, 37 percent
- Arkansas, 35 percent
- Alaska, 34 percent
- New Mexico, 30 percent
- North Dakota, 29 percent
- Oregon, 29 percent
- Maryland, 29 percent
- Pennsylvania, 27 percent
- Delaware, 27 percent
- West Virginia, 27 percent
As for the states that don't reject any applicants -- Zaleznick points to New York and Massachusetts as two of the better known -- the reason is simple: they already have laws mandating that insurers provide coverage, regardless of a person's medical issues.
The study also named the individual insurers with the highest rejection rates and in which states:
- John Alden Life Insurance Company - declining 73 percent of applications in South Dakota
- Assurant Health - 71 percent in Utah
- Assurant Health - 58 percent in North Dakota
- Time Insurance Company - 56 percent in Kentucky
- Assurant Health - 56 percent in Idaho
Steps to take until health reform is law in 2014
Zaleznick advises those with pre-existing conditions to research insurers and to ask questions of their representatives. If an insurer says it can't cover you, then check out the next one. It's frustrating, especially when you're struggling with overwhelming health issues, says Zaleznick, but some insurers are more flexible than others in providing coverage.But what if you're still rejected? Zaleznick suggests these options:
Try A Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan : US Health Advisors has award-winning status and offers comprehensive plans that bet most major medicals hands down because of the expectional coverage through their Cigna Great West PPO Network and the reimbursement benefits offered to clients. There is no wonder the company has literally grown over a 111% since 2011.
Insurers of last resort: Check your state's designated insurer that's required to provide coverage to everybody. Created under healt reform, pre-existing condition insurance plans (PCIPs) provide federally administered insurance coverage to people who previously have been denied insurance because of a pre-existing condition. But be aware that it could be costly. "The expenses may be high," says Zaleznick, "but if you really need medical care, it could be extremely valuable for right now."
High-risk pools: Currently, there are 35 states that ensure people get health insurance, regardless of their physical condition. The National Association of State Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan provides a list and other information at its website. Again, you may have to pay quite a bit more for coverage.
Government help: Government programs such as Medicaid and the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) offer coverage to some low and moderate-income families. To see what's available and if you qualify, visit GovBenefits.gov.
WebMD, the health website, also had a pair of novel approaches:
Open a business: Some people with pre-existing conditions get group insurance by opening a business and listing themselves as the sole employee. "Using this 'group of one' approach, you have the protections of any group insurance -- and can't get turned down because of a pre-existing condition," says WebMD. But not all states allow this so check with your state department of insurance.
Join a professional group: Some professional organizations, chambers of commerce and unions offer insurance that can be cheaper than regular health insurance. And, in some instances, may be more lenient when approving an application, according to WebMD.
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