Thursday, May 2, 2013

Why Being Healthy Is Totally Different From Having Health Insuranceb - A MUST READ!

 Oregon Health Experiment Shows That Having Health Insurance Is Different Than Being Healthy

A new study out of Oregon tries to answer an old question, and comes up with the same answer. Is having health insurance the same as having good health?

The answer is no. People die every day despite great insurance. Others live long healthy lives without any coverage at all. The Amish community located 20 miles south of where I’m sitting includes many members of the second group. Yet the important distinction is usually lost by the time you travel 1,000 miles to Washington.

Insurance and health are often linked and confused, with proponents of universal coverage making the argument that health insurance itself is an important determinant of health because it guarantees access to medical care. Of course, health and medicine are another pair of terms that often get blurred, but that’s a topic for another discussion.

How do we know who’s right?

Enter economists, like the ones who studied Oregon, to settle the question of how important insurance really is, using techniques similar to how drug companies run clinical trials. This is not the first time a trial was done for health insurance. The famous RAND health study from 1972 to 1982 found that when people were asked to pay for more of their health care they tended to use less of it without any impact on their physical health, a result that helped birth the HMO movement.

The Oregon experiment, led by the talented MIT economist Amy Finkelstein, is based on a situation in Oregon in 2008 when a limited number of Medicaid spots were given out by lottery. The researchers tracked those who won the lottery and got coverage, and those who did not but had exactly the same characteristics as the first group. This clinical trial, complete with a control group, has continued as researchers have used surveys to track the two group’s health outcomes and finances.

Last year, the first results of the study were released and the main verdict was that though the two groups showed few differences in health, it was too early to tell.

Today the New England Journal of Medicine posted the abstract for a paper containing the second year’s worth of data. Lo and behold, the researchers found that: health and health insurance are again, not the same thing.

To quote:

This randomized, controlled study showed that Medicaid coverage generated no significant improvements in measured physical health outcomes in the first 2 years, but it did increase use of health care services, raise rates of diabetes detection and management, lower rates of depression, and reduce financial strain.
So Medicaid got people to the doctor more. And if they got sick they did not have to pay for it. But overall, the two groups have the same outcomes despite one winning the lottery and the other losing.
(As an aside: I’m curious what it is like to be in the second group, given that if one of those persons were hospitalized, they would likely be enrolled in Medicaid at that time. Or, as low-income people have always done, if they get sick there are ways to get care. ERs must stabilize patients. Lower cost care exists, whether at community clinics or by simply paying out of pocket. Whatever those in the uninsured group are doing, it is not hurting them relative to the first group.)

There will be a lot of political posturing about how this experiment shows that ObamaCare or the Medicaid expansion is misguided. I will leave that topic for others to bang heads with each other over.

But I will point out that the Oregon result is in no way a surprise to those familiar with the economic literature on health insurance. (And I do not include most Washington policy makers in that group.)
Economists have spent years posing the same question being answered by the Oregon researchers: does health insurance make you healthier? No lesser lights than Nobel laureates Kenneth Arrow and Gary Becker argued over the topic in papers published between 1962 and 1972.

Arrow argued that health insurance actually has the perverse effect of making you reckless with your health, much like seat belts and air bags result in reckless driving. Becker countered that someone who makes the effort to buy health insurance is likely someone who values “self-protection”–just like a homeowner who installs lightning rods probably also uses smoke detectors and blows out candles. As Becker argued: bomb shelters do not cause war.

The debate has persisted, and theoretical arguments thankfully gave way to sophisticated empirical studies.

The RAND study, which followed 2,750 families who were randomized into different kinds of insurance where out of pocket costs varied, did not specifically pose the question of whether having health insurance makes you healthy. However, it did find that those enrolled in “good” health insurance that paid for more services, had the same health behaviors and outcomes as those enrolled in the insurance with more co-pays and restrictions.

“Risky behaviors were not affected–rates of smoking and obesity, for instance, did not change,” wrote Joseph Newhouse, the economist who led the study. Access to more medical care did not cause the more heavily insured group to invest more in their health.

This counter-intuitive result has been replicated many times, even before today’s Oregon results were released.

In 2006 two economists, Dhaval Dave and Robert Kaestner, completed a study in which they looked at a group of Americans who had no insurance but then turned 65 and qualified for Medicare. This before-and-after experimental framework allowed them to control for “having insurance.” Interestingly they found that women who gained insurance by turning 65 did not change their health behaviors or outcomes. But men, upon getting Medicare, increased their risky health behaviors. Physical activity dropped by 40%, cigarette smoking increased by 16%, and drinking alcohol with regularity increased by 32%.

In other words, having insurance made these men feel better enough about their health that they apparently did not mind sabotaging it. One question I had, though, about this experiment, was whether these behavior changes were simply the result of retirement from work. That also coincides with turning 65 for many people. The economists claim to have controlled for work status. But I still wondered.

In 2008 another economist Anderson Stanciole analyzed longitudinal data from the U.S. Panel Study of Income Dynamics. The panel tracks 8,000 families. Stanciole found that after controlling for age, employment, income, race, sex, and other factors, having insurance corresponded with drinking more, smoking more, and being more sedentary. So again, health insurance did not bring healthy behaviors. It may instead have made people reckless, thinking that hospitals and doctors would fix them when they broke down.

A provocatively titled paper in 2009 by Jay Bhattacharya called “Does Health Insurance Make Your Fat?” found a tie between having insurance and obesity. The National Longitudinal Survey of Youth–which followed 12,000 teenagers over 15 years–provided the data. Bhattacharya found that teenagers’ body mass index was 2.1 points higher when they were on Medicaid and 1.3 points higher among those with commercial insurance, compared to the uninsured.

The Oregon Health Experiment, with its results posted today, is just the latest
study to show the same result. Having health insurance and being healthy are two very distinct states of being. Let’s stop confusing the two.

Original Article David Whelan via

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